

  • Students are expected to show up to class on time. If possible, arrive early to help clean the mat before practice. If late, please wait in the corner of the mat until the instructor invites you in.

  • Bowing to the front of the dojo (the shomen) before entering the mat, and to the instructor and fellow students before and after practice is customary in all Japanese martial arts. This is not a religious gesture, but a sign of respect (like shaking hands).

  • While the instructor is demonstrating in class, students not part of that demonstration sit in seiza (on their knees or in a kneeling position) until it is time to resume their practice. This is done to allow everyone to see what is being demonstrated so that they can properly follow along.

  • Respect is key. Having a good attitude and constructive mindset are important. The dojo is a place were we leave the rest of our day at the door, so we can focus our minds on training. Aikido is a partnered practice, so we are there not only for ourselves but for the benefit of everyone at the dojo. Train with enthusiasm!

  • Keeping yourself and your uniform clean is also necessary for the sanitary conditions expected in the dojo. Nails are to be trimmed for safety, and makeup and jewelry must be removed before training.

  • First day beginners are permitted to wear comfortable workout clothing, but a Gi (uniform) is needed as your training continues.

  • If you need to leave the mat or get a drink of water during class, ask the instructor to be excused.

  • Shoes and socks are not allowed to be worn once inside the training area.


List of Terms and Phrases

  • Common Japanese Words and Phrases Used in Aikido

    Arigato  - Thank you

    Bokken - Wooden sword

    Dan - Black belt rank.  

    Dojo - Training hall where aikido is practiced

    Domo Arigato Gozaimashita - Thank you very much.  The suffix "mashita" is the past tense.  This phrase is often used to thank partners for training at the end of class.

    Fukushidoin - Assistant instructor at a dojo

    Gi or Dogi or Keiko gi - Training uniform

    Hajime - Begin or start

    Hara - Center of the body, just below the navel.

    Jo - Wooden staff

    Ki - A central concept in East Asian systems of thought and medicine, as well as many other martial arts aside from Aikido.  The life force that governs the way living beings move and operate.

    Kohai - Student junior to oneself.

    Kyu - Ranks prior to black belt.

    Onegai Shimasu - "Please", as in "Please work/train with me."  In Aikido, one says this while bowing to the Sensei at the beginning of class and to one's partner before practicing a technique.

    O-sensei - Reference of respect to Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969), the founder of Aikido, whose picture adorns the front of the dojo.

    Rei - To bow.

    Sempai - Student senior to oneself; someone with a higher rank or who attained the same rank at an earlier date

    Sensei - Teacher

    Shidoin - Chief instructor at a dojo

    Shihan - Master instructor

    Shomen - The front wall of the dojo opposite the entrance.  Traditionally the shomen in aikido dojos is considered the kamiza or place of honor in the dojo.  When entering the dojo or the mat students traditionally bow towards the shomen in respect.  This signifies a shift in attitude from everyday life to focused training.

    Shomen ni rei - Instruction to bow to the front of the dojo.

    Tanto - Knife (literally "short sword")

  • Stances, Movements, Attacks, Techniques and Throws

    Ai hanmi - Stance where partners are both standing with either both right feet or both left feet forward across from one another.

    Atemi - Strikes to the body at vulnerable points. Used in techniques to distract or unbalance the attacker and thereby increase the effectiveness of a technique.

    Chudan - Middle position

    Chushin - "Centered mind".  Literally, "centered heart".

    Funakogi Undo - Rowing exerciseGedan - Lower position

    Gyaku hanmi - A mirror hanmi stance where partners have different feet forward standing across from one another.

    Gokyo - Arm stretch pin, usually used against knife attacks. Fifth form.

    Hanmi - A triangular stance where one foot is in front and pointing forward and the rear foot is placed perpendicular to the front foot. One of the basic tai sabaki (stances ) in aikido. 

    Hanmi Handachi - Any attack where uke (attacker) is standing and nage/tori (defender) is seated in seiza (one ones knees).

    Henkawaza - While executing one technique, changing to another technique due to changed circumstances.

    Hidari hanmi - Hanmi stance with the left (hidari) foot forward

    Hiji - Elbow

    Hijiwaza - Elbow-locking techniques. 

    Ikkyo - Basic pin of the opponent's arm; first form

    Irimi - Enter, with a step or slide forward.  "Entering (body)".  One of the basic tai sabaki in aikido.

    Iriminage - Entering throw.  

    Jiyuwaza - Free-style practice with one attacker at a time.

    Jodan - High position ( head level )Jo nage - Throws done when the nage/tori holds the jo and the uke tries to take it from them.

    Jo tori - Jo techniques

    Jujinage - Cross-shaped throw. Both arm locked together in a projection.

    Kaeshiwaza - Techniques for countering  or reversing who is controlling the movement.

    Kaiten - A rotation or rotary movement.

    Kaitennage - Rotation throw. 

    Kamae - Stance

    Kata - Shoulder

    Katatetori - One hand grab to wrist from ai hanmi.

    Katatori - One hand grab to the shoulder from ai hanmi

    Katatori menuchi - One hand grab to the shoulder. other hand attacks with shomenuchi

    Kazaguruma - “Windmill” - name of a circular throwing technique.  

    Kohai - Junior student

    Kokyu - Breath or breathing 

    Kokyu dosa - A breathing exercise performed with a partner from seiza

    Kokyu ho - A breathing exercise or a static technique/exercise performed where the attacker puts their weight on the point of their grab on their partner.

    Kokyunage - Breath throw.  Throws relying on timing, body movement and position, rather than joint locks.

    Koshi - Hip

    Koshinage - Hip throw

    Kote - Forearm

    Kotegaeshi - Throw from outward wrist twist.  

    Kubi - Neck

    Kuzushi - Unbalance

    Ma'ai - Proper distance between nage/tori and uke for attack and defense

    Mae ukemi - Forward roll

    Maki otoshi - Spiral drop throw. 

    Men - Face or head

    Migi hanmi - Hanmi stance with the right (migi) foot forward

    Morotetori - Two hand grab on one forearm.

    Mune - Chest

    Mushin - "No mind".  

    Nage - Person executing the technique. Synonymous with “Tori”.  Nage also means "throw", for example shihonage or iriminage.

    Nikyo - Turning of the wrist pin. Second form.

    Omote - the front side of the body.

    Randori - “ Seizing chaos” Free-style exercise where two or more uke attack the nage/tori using any attack of their choice.

    Ryokatatori - Uke grabs both of nage's shoulders.

    Ryotetori - Both wrists held from the front

    Sabaki - Body movement

    Sankyo - Twisting of the wrist pin. Third form.  

    Seiza - Formal Japanese sitting, on the knees

    Shihonage - Four direction throw.  

    Shimewaza - Choking techniques.

    Shikko - walking on one's knees

    Shomenuchi - Strike to the forehead with the te-gatana.  

    Shoshin - "Beginner mind".  Literally, "first heart".

    Soto - To the outside, as in soto kaiten.

    Sumi otoshi - Corner drop throw.

    Sutemiwaza - "Sacrifice" techniques.

    Suwariwaza - Techniques from sitting/kneeling. 

    Tachitori - Defenses to a sword attack; sword takeaways

    Tachiwaza - Techniques done while standing

    Tai - Body

    Tai no henko - Turning tenkan practice from Katatetori

    Tai otoshi - Body drop with a straight projection.  

    Tai sabaki - Basic body movements in aikido.  

    Tantotori - Defenses to a knife attack; knife takeaways.  

    Te - Hand

    Te-gatana - knife-hand

    Tekubi - Wrist

    Tenkan - A turn in which the back leg of the hanmi stance is pulled back 180 degrees to reverse one’s direction. "Turning (body)".  The front foot of the stance is used as the pivot point. Unlike a pivot, one’s stance is the same as before the move, but one is facing the opposite direction. One of the basic tai sabaki in aikido. 

    Tenshin - Movement where one switches ones leg positions in their stance.  "Shifting (body)".

    Tenchinage - Heaven and earth throw. From ryotetori, one hand goes up the other comes down.

    Tori - Take or grasp, as in katatetori or ryotetori. Also used to refer to the thrower or defender role in practice. Synonymous with “Nage” in that context. 

    Tsuki (or Mune Tsuki) - Thrust or punch.  

    Uchi - Strike, as in shomenuchi or yokomenuchi. Also means "to the inside", as in uchi kaiten.

    Ude - Arm

    Udegarame - Arm-intertwining technique.

    Udekimenage - Arm-lock throw or arm-extension throw.

    Uke - Receiver of a technique; person being thrown. Also means attacker. In aikido, the uke initiates the attack, and the nage/tori responds to the attack, throwing or pinning uke.

    Ukemi - Attacking and responding to nage's technique. A key aspect of ukemi is falling safely when thrown.

    Ukiotoshi - Floating drop throw. 

    Ura - Entry to the back, or back side of the body.

    Ushiro - Attacking from behind, as in ushiro tekubitori.

    Ushiro Kubishime - Wrist grab followed by neck choke from behind

    Ushiro Ryokatatori - Both shoulders held from behind

    Ushiro Tekubitori - Both wrists held from behind

    Ushiro Ukemi - Backwards roll.

    Ushiro waza - Any attack from behind

    Waza - A technique

    Yonkyo - Wrist pressure pin. Fourth form.  

    Yokomenuchi - A strike to the temple with the te-gatana.  

    Zanshin - "Remaining mind." Indicates focus even after you accomplished something, such as after completing a throw.